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Silva Binoculars Pocket x 8

(1 Item(s) In Stock)
A lightweight, compact pair of pocket binoculars is an underestimated aid
£ 45.99
£ 36.79


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. A lightweight, compact pair of pocket binoculars is an underestimated aid. They are not just for watching birds and other animals. From a kayak you have to find the right routes among outcrops and islands so that you don’t head in the wrong direction. Binoculars can help with route choices through valleys or over hills when out walking. Silva’s binoculars are compact and sturdy enough for the great outdoors – natural travel companions that can be packed in your rucksack with the same straightforwardness as your compass.

    The Silva Pocket binocular is a compact, reliable low-weight companion, always there when you need it. We bet there have been times when you wished you had brought your binoculars, on a trek, in the boat, the car or away at the cottage. With the super compact Silva Pocket you will have a friend that you can always bring along. Perfect as extra binoculars in the backpack or trouser pockets.

  2. - 8X MAGNIFICATION - Long distance viewing
    - LIGHTWEIGHT - No need to carry unnecessary weight
    - 122M FIELD OF VIEW - See more details with a close-up 122 meters field of view
  3. Field of view: 122m
    Magnification: x8
    Nitrogen gas filled: No
    Objective diameter: 21 mm lens
    Prism type: BK-7
    Size: 90x65x40mm
    Weight: 158g

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