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Optimus Wind Foil for Vega & Polaris stoves

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(1 Item(s) In Stock)
This wind foil is quickly fitted around the stove and adjusts perfectly to the size of the pot due to its two setting positions. 
£ 14.00
£ 11.20


All orders over £30 


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. This wind foil is quickly fitted around the stove and adjusts perfectly to the size of the pot due to its two setting positions. This improves the efficiency of cooking and makes sure that your outdoor meals will be a success even in harsh conditions. The corners of the windshield are rounded, making it easier for handling.
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Good OEM replacement that fits the height of the stove and lasts for a long time.
Helen M.
Shopping Satisfaction
Got these items quickly thanks.
Carole W.

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