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FSC Fold-out Chart - Day Flying Moths

Shopping Satisfaction
Full-colour laminated chart - Day Flying Moths
£ 4.00
£ 3.40


All orders over £30 


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. Looking for a moth identification guide?

    Around 1500 species of moths are found in the British Isles, but most of them fly at dusk or at night. This chart concentrates on 103 species which fly by day, including a few very common species that are not strictly day-flying but are regularly disturbed from vegetation.

    There's a further moth identification guide on the reverse side, with a text description of the characteristics of each species.
  2.  - Laminated
     - Splash proof and robust for use outdoors
     - Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject
     - Valuable resource for all age groups
  3. Charts fold to B5 size (approx. 24 x 18 cm)
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Again, most of the moths printed are life-size. This is water resistant and wipeable. Delivered with a cardboard backing so no folding or creasing of the chart. Easy to take out with you.
Angela D.
Shopping Satisfaction
Good, simple, basic guide.
David H.
Shopping Satisfaction
Very good.
Nigel B.

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