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LifeStraw Go 2 Stage Replacement Filter

2-Stage replacement filter compatible with all LifeStraw Go and Lifestraw Universal
£ 23.95
£ 19.16


All orders over £50 


Credit & debit card, Paypal

01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. Uses advanced hollow fiber membrane technology (0.2 microns) to remove waterborne bacteria and protozoa up to 1,000 gallons (4,000 liters)

    Uses replaceable activated carbon capsule to reduce bad taste, chlorine and organic chemical matter for up to 26 gallons (100 liters) or 3 months, whichever comes first

    Meets US EPA drinking water standards

  2. - Stage 1: Hollow Fiber Membrane
    - Removes 99.999999% of waterborne bacteria), including E-Coli
    - Removes 99.999% of waterborne protozoan parasites, including Giardia & Cryptosporidium
    - Removes 99.999% o Microplastics
    - Lifetime: 1,000 gallons (4,000 liters) for the hollow fiber membrane

    - Stage 2: Activated Carbon Capsule
    - Reduces chlorine
    - Reduces bad odour and taste
    - Reduces organic chemical matter (pesticides, herbicides, VOC)
    - Lifetime: 26 gallons (100 liters) for the replaceable activated carbon capsule

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