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" Picreator was founded in 1967, one the first companies of its kind in the world, it was set up to supply professional users with small quantities of products needed to restore and preserve all types of fine-art objects and surfaces, from paper to stone. The range of products that we now manufacture includes the world-renowned RENAISSANCE WAX which was developed in the laboratories of the British Museum and is specified and used to preserve all types of objects in the museum and historic collection. "  
£ 10.00
Renaissance Metal De-corroder 100mlMetal De-Corroder is a safe, non-toxic system for rust removal with full control.
£ 8.00
Renaissance Pre-lim Metal Burnisher - 65ml
A gently abrasive paste for non-scratch cleaning of metals and many sensitive fine-art surfaces.
£ 13.00
Renaissance Vulpex Liquid Soap - 100ml
Vulpex liquid soap is a safe cleaner for practically everything from paper to stone.
£ 18.99
Renaissance WaxRenaissance Wax - the best metal / surface protection money can buy

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