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FireDragon Solid Fuel Blocks 27G 12 Pack

Fire Dragon
(22 Item(s) In Stock)
A lightweight, environmentally friendly and waterproof solid cooking and fire lighting fuel. 
£ 3.99


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. A lightweight, environmentally friendly and waterproof solid cooking and fire lighting fuel. The Fire Dragon fuel blocks are used by the military and outdoor enthusiasts alike to light fires, cook food, and boil water in all weather conditions. The solid fuel blocks are quick and easy to ignite even when wet, and are also odourless and non-toxic with a clean burn.

    FireDragon Solid and Gel are an all-weather, ECO-FRIENDLY biofuel & firelighter. Made from UK sourced ethanol and can be used in multi-fuel cooking stoves, for indoor ethanol fireplaces and is excellent for the barbecue, fire pit or bonfire.

  2. - One 27g (1oz) block of FireDragon will burn for approximately 10-12 minutes
    - Low Luminosity
    - Safe with food and doesn't give off toxic or noxious fumes making it safe to cook with
    - Eco-Friendly - made from vegetable waste making it a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel
    - Easy to light

  3. Size: Individual boxes of 12
    Dimensions:Weight: 27g
  4. Made from vegetable waste making it a sustainable and eco-friendly fuel

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