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Cocoon Down Travel Pillow

(1 Item(s) In Stock)
High quality down pillow with hydrophobic down fill and soft nylon shell. Ideal on planes and trains, in tents and cabins.
Cocoon Size :
£ 44.95
£ 38.21


All orders over £30 


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. High quality down pillow with hydrophobic down fill and soft nylon shell. Ideal on planes and trains, in tents and cabins.
  2. - Hydrophobic down keeps its loft even under wet conditions and dries extremely fast. The down is certified fluor-carbon free with no live plucking involved!
  3. 1 small
    Size 25 x 35 cm
    Weight 71 g
    Pack Size10.5 x 8 cm

    2 medium
    Size 29 x 38 cm
    Weight 83 g
    Pack Size12 x 9 cm

    3 large
    Size 33 x 43 cm
    Weight 125 g
    Pack Size15 x 10 cm
  4. Hydrophobic down keeps its loft even under wet conditions and dries extremely fast. The down is certified fluor-carbon free with no live plucking involved!

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