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FSC Fold-out Chart - Spiders

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Full-colour laminated chart - Spiders
£ 4.00
£ 3.40


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01995 601011

Mon. to Sat. 10am to 3pm

  1. Spiders have eight legs... and many of them spin webs to catch their prey... but how much more do you know about these fascinating, widespread but much maligned creatures?

    Concentrating on 40 species of spiders that you are most likely to find in buildings or in gardens, this 8-panel laminated fold-out chart is designed to help everybody quickly to identify the spiders that they see.

    Full colour illustrations, arranged by habitat, on one side, are complemented with a table of spider identification features, habitat and methods of prey capture on the other. Line drawings show the range of webs that can be produced by different species.
  2.  - Laminated
     - Splash proof and robust for use outdoors
     - Clear colour illustrations and text by experts in the subject
     - Valuable resource for all age groups
  3. Charts fold to B5 size (approx. 24 x 18 cm)
Customer reviews
Shopping Satisfaction
Really useful, colourful and detailed resources. Durable and well made.
Caroline A.

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